Monday, December 29, 2008

Death During Texts

There must be some disease that strikes boys that makes them die in the middle of a texting conversation with a girl. Unless, of course, the guy is horny when texting said girl. I’ll have to investigate this theory further, since I’ve only observed it happen twice, but it seems to be the case. One more frequently than the other, though. Four out of five conversations ended in death by the boy, even after attempts by the girl to revive it. Usually the next morning she receives a simple “Sorry” in her inbox if this happens. Usually. Usually the girl will just brush it off, with just a little bit of annoyance. Usually. Usually the girl will try and make excuses. Usually. But seeing as a phone’s primary function is to make calls, and calls have been made three times in a row, she will not make an excuse. Even if the boy’s texts ran out last night after 1:30, which is highly unlikely, he still has the phone. In fact, he still has two phones, and presumably the internet. I would imagine that someone in his house would be so kind as to let him use one of those, if it was already in use. Maybe not, though. I wouldn’t know; I only hear about his mother and occasionally his father.

Speaking of the internet, guess who’s on right now? Stupid boy won’t let me do the ignoring; he’s “offline” via Facebook. I don’t know why he doesn’t want to talk. Maybe he’s embarrassed by the phone conversation the night before. But that doesn’t quite make sense, because he texted before 10 last night to talk. But one would think that an apology would be in the works. Maybe he just doesn’t realize that the one time death hasn’t occurred was when he was horny, but usually an apology would come in some way, shape or form. Until it does, however, this girl will not respond to texts, and is arranging so that she’s out if he decides to call. Because, really, if she’s as special as he claims, and if they’re basically in a relationship, then this needs to stop. For now, to quote Jack Johnson, all she’s doing is “sittin, waitin, wishin”.

Edited to add: The boy didn't run out of texts last night; he just died. Girl received text while with a friend asking her to text him when she got home. She did, and the boy didn't respond again. Girl is now severely annoyed.


  1. ....................ooops.......................death is hard to outrun, try as one might....
