Friday, February 27, 2009

Come Sail Away

So that title's now going to be applied to this blog. I'm going to sail away from the posts about the ex, and go sail away to this new horizon I've desperately been attempting to cast off to.

But where am I sailing off to? What new horizon awaits me? A philosophical one, where I delve deep into myself and into the workings of human nature? Or random thoughts of seemingly unimportant merit? Should I step away from the descriptions of my life, or continue on with stories from my past, present, and future? I don't know. We'll see where this goes, though.

Future is where it's heading. I don't think I'm the only one out there who feels this way, but I can't see myself being with just one person for the rest of my life. I know that I get bored with people easily; in fact, my current best friend is the only person who I've been close to for more than two years. I tend to lose those who are closest to me in two-year increments. As such, am I really going to be able to be married to someone for 50 plus years? I get bored with things easily, and I'd imagine after awhile there wouldn't be anything to talk about. Especially if you find someone who you just have a great initial connection with. So if you've already discussed everything, what's left? When you get up in your 70's, how much is there going to be to talk about? Retirement will have already happened, I'm sure, and by then there's not too much you can actually do but talk.

This question was raised in my humanities class today: are humans supposed to be monogamous, or is it a social constraint we've applied to ourselves? I'll admit, there have been multiple times where I've seen this idea of polygamy practiced: people cheat on each other. Even if I'm totally devoted to someone, I can't help but look at someone else and wonder: what if? Is it because we're not supposed to be with just one person for life? Look at the animal kingdom: there are only a few animals who are with just one mate. Penguins and a few others I can't remember right now. Wolves can only have sex if they are the alpha male; if another male wolf tries to have sex with a wolf, he is chased away from the pack. Same with meerkats, only the queen is the only female who has sex. If, in the animal kingdom, they are polygamist, then shouldn't that point to monogamy being a social constraint, and not nature?

I'm not sure. I feel like humans are naturally polygamists. That doesn't mean that I want to go out and practice polygamy; I'm too jealous for that. But I think if society hadn't pressed it upon us so forcefully, I may not be too jealous. But that's another blog for another time. I can't see myself being able to settle down with one person. I want to get married, but I have this serious aversion to being a statistic, so I'm not too sure if that'll ever happen. Slightly depressing, but I'm hoping that I can be with someone who I'll be able to be interested in in 50 years.


  1. Penguin indeed.......sigh. I wonder.. I like your Idea of sailing away. I hope I can sail with you at least part of the way.

  2. Sure, come along for the ride

    Oh! Interesting thing we also learned while talking about penguins: about 3% of them are gay. This amused me greatly.

  3. That IS promises to be a fun trip...

  4. it's cool.
    i'll stalk you for 50 years.
    you'll have to deal with me :P
