Friday, August 6, 2010

Alone in this Bed

Hi all! It's been awhile.

Well, it feels like it has. For the past week I haven't had much to do past 10:30, and as such felt extremely weird not wandering over here to try to write something. So I'd just spend more time online, which made me bored earlier, which made me go to sleep earlier. That was nice. And now I'm at school, sitting in my dorm room with PJ (who says hi), and I don't have a TV. That is quite sad.

So is the fact that I'm already here, because I had to come back about two weeks early. I would much prefer to be at home with my family and friends, but I get to work at the rock wall and get paid early for it. I just wish I could either have someone here every night, like a roommate who is also here to work early, or something like that.

But I don't have that, so I'm in this dorm room that's hardly been unpacked because I want something to do with my day(s) when PJ goes home. I've missed blogging, especially at school, because it was something I started at school. It feels comfortable here. For now.

I know that I'll get sick of this town very soon, and I'll be wanting to go home. I'll get sick of the food, or of the stuff I bought from Wal-Mart today, and beg for someone to come visit me and take me in town. I'll want to escape for the weekends to someone's house, and be surrounded by friends.

I'll have almost no one here in a few days, and I like being surrounded by people. Yes, I do like my solitude every once in awhile, but for two weeks is a bit much. Maybe it'll get my urge to be alone out of my system faster.

There comes a time every few weeks where I just need to be alone, so I take walks around campus, usually later in the evening. And that's how I get my thinking done, as well as focus myself on one or a few tasks. Sometimes I just need movement. I'm hoping though, that since I'll have been so alone here that I'll greatly minimize the amount of alone time I'll need.

And that's my ramble for the night, since PJ keeps making me lose my train of thought.

1 comment:

  1. I'll come visit you Friday or Saturday afternoon if you want. There is a 6:30pm showing of Inception both days and tickets are only $5!!
