Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fight For All the Wrong Reasons

Thankfully I've had a slightly less stressful week. I'm home now, going to a concert in a few hours.

Since I've actually almost had some time to myself, I've been watching a little more TV than I usually get to, or a movie here and there. And I started watching Save the Last Dance, and I had been watching another TV show earlier this week, and it got me thinking about something that seems really prevalent in these types of things.

Whenever there's a fight scene and the antagonist decides he (or she) has to send a message to the protagonist through a physical means, usually the antagonist isn't alone. Usually, when the protagonist needs to be roughed up, the antagonist has a few of his (or her) friends come with and hold the protagonist back. While they're doing this, they're also usually yelling at the protagonist for being a coward or something like that.

Here's what I don't understand about these people: If you're calling them a coward or weak or something, then why are you the one that has to have back up so you all can effectively beat them up? One on three really isn't courageous, and it's definitely not honorable. If you're fighting for honor or something, then take them on one on one. If you can't take them alone, then why are you making them such a target?

Another thing that doesn't make any sense to me is this standard of preferring men over women. I just finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns, and the husband is so preoccupied with having a son. He completely ignores his daughter, and then the Taliban takes over and prohibits women of pretty much anything. I don't understand why you would disown a girl, abuse her, kill her, or starve her to death.

First off, she's still a human. That's the main reason why you shouldn't do that. But what I don't understand is, what if everyone in that society decided to do that? Kill off all the newborn girls, and keep the newborn boys only. What happens when they grow up? Men can't really procreate by themselves, so isn't that effectively killing your society? Yes, there may be a few older women still around, but there's a good chance they can't have any more children by the time this happens.

I don't know if I'm a feminist, per se. I mean, I'm perfectly OK if a draft comes along and I'm exempt because I'm a woman. I do not like being seen as only something for sex (which seems to be becoming extremely common now, for some reason). I can handle being paid a few cents less here and there. At my old job, I was actually paid more than the guys I worked with. I haven't really encountered anything that makes me feel like I should have to fight for more rights for women, except for rape laws.

But that's not the point of this. The point is that there are things that seem to occur frequently that I have no clue how it makes sense. Killing all the women is silly. Wanting to have a baby boy makes sense, but a child's still a child, and they're still your child. And fighting for honor is not honorable when you don't even have the balls to fight one on one.

Sometimes, I really don't understand people.

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