Sunday, October 3, 2010

All I Can Do is Write About It

It's Saturday night, I'm sitting in pajamas with SNL on, trying to figure out what homework I want to do next. I've been alone all weekend again. Such is life I guess.

I don't really have a lot of time to think about a lot of things during my week anymore. This past one was so tolling on me that I almost had a few break downs because of my Spanish class and my iPod getting stolen. I didn't realize how attached I was to that thing until it went missing. But that's not what I want to write about tonight, though I'm not sure what it is I want to write about.

I've noticed a lot lately that people get incredibly interested when I tell them I'm a journalism major. Usually it's a good kind of interested, which I haven't really expected because so many people don't hold journalists in high regard. But people who I talk to start to ask me a lot of questions about what I want to do after I graduate, why I went into journalism, and who I hope to eventually interview.

Like today. I went to the mall and an older gentleman was waiting for his daughter to meet up with him so they could go do something else. He asked what my major was, and what I want to do with my life as a journalist. This is almost always the first question that I get when I tell people my major, especially if I throw magazine in there. They usually get surprised when I tell them my answer of write for Time down the line.

But they do have a good point. What am I doing after I get out of here? I don't even know where I'm going to intern this summer, though that's not for a lack of trying to find somewhere. For now, though, I'm not really too worried about that. But I digress. This man was very interested in my passion for writing, and proceeded to tell me about how Taylor University has an incredible writing program that I now want to check out.

Later today, I was doing my homework for my photo class. The assignment was to take a close-up of 20 strangers and get basic info about them. Everyone I asked was very helpful, and some of them were really interested in why I had to take pictures. I had a family come in and talk to me about why I chose Time over all the other magazines, and we started talking about the other magazines I'd like to write for. We also talked about the fact that they're teaching us everything we could be asked to do, and how Ball State is doing a good job of making us really marketable.

I wish I could've taken some of these classes for longer than five weeks. I feel like there's so much more I could learn that I want to learn, but there's just not enough time. I'm glad I got the chance to take a lot of these, but I want more. Like photo. I kind of wish I had double majored in magazine and photo, but I think it's probably too late to try and do that.

I realized that again tonight, when I was taking the pictures. I've written before about wanting to learn this profession, but having no way of learning. Tonight I also got to do mini-interviews, so now I want to go out and interview people again. Which is good, because I'm taking an interview class, and that's something I've missed lately. And writing. I just don't have any time. Or place to publish.

I know I want to get out there and be able to do interview of famous people. There's one that I aspire to get, and that's J.K. Rowling (of course). I even have an idea of how I can pitch that story idea, though I'm going to keep that to myself. I don't even really want to go out there and interview a lot of famous people. I just want to interview people who are passionate about something. I want to write stories that interest me. I kind of want to be known for stories about body image issues, I think.

So basically, I'm pretty sure I picked the right major for me. Go me. I'm just going to end this post, because I'm thoroughly distracted and I don't think this makes much sense at all. But I hope you enjoyed my rambles about people being interested in journalists.

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