Monday, March 9, 2009

Change Your Mind

At this point on my journey, I must return home. It's Spring Break, and instead of joining the hordes of people traveling to exotic places, I've become a homebody and come back here to good ol' Illinois. It's good to be home; not having to eat burgers and chicken daily is a good thing. And yet, this has turned out, already, to be one of the strangest Spring Breaks I've ever had. It's a good thing my journey's paused, otherwise I'd be backtracking.

First off: my first boyfriend and his girlfriend of almost two years broke up right before I came home. Now, he and I were really close before he got this girl, and we were friends after breaking up. But when he and she got together, he stopped telling me things, which I guess I can understand because he had her to talk to. Lately we've been talking, more when we're off to college than we did senior year, and still he wouldn't really tell me much. And then, they break up, I tell him (on
Facebook, no less) that if he wants to talk I'm there, and he takes me up on it. I didn't expect him to take me up on that, at least not to the extent that he has. He's letting me in again. I think I'm the person he's going to to get through all of this. And not only for emotional support, asking me for advice (which he's taking, which is incredible, because he never asks for advice), but for single-ness support, because I can't find another word to describe that. He's asking how to be single, how to deal with her since they're single, and asking me to boost his self-confidence after everything. Advice was given, and is still being given, and self-confidence was boosted. I even suggested a trip to see him, since his Spring Break is different than mine. He was incredibly excited about this, another very odd thing. And so, I'm planning on visiting him later this week, seeing if he's actually as excited to see me as he says, and I'll continue to ponder why the change. I may just ask him when I see him.

My most recent ex, the one I've been sailing away from, the one who hates me, has been talking to me. First, we met Saturday night, and he ranted and raved, but never actually told me what he's been telling me to my face, which I found amusing. Then we had an actual conversation, but he still didn't think we could be friends just yet, because he had to think about the time we spent talking. So that wasn't too weird. But then, today, he called me and asked if I wanted to get lunch with him. Still hasn't
un-blocked me on instant messenger or Facebook. I was the first person who came to mind, and he offered to drive me as well. I denied, because I have things I need to do before I go see another friend for coffee, and because it was just so weird. I'm confused.

Second boyfriend hasn't talked to me yet, but he's said he wants to get coffee. And all of this happens when I can't see my current boyfriend this week. I am confused. This is turning out to be a very odd week.


  1. Oi, I got the solution to your problems.
    Go get ugly. Really fast. Like right now.
    Problems solved.

  2. Lol it's just weird. And amusing. But mainly weird. And I don't get ugly until I'm completely fed up with something (which is close to happening)
