Sunday, February 21, 2010

Live Like We're Dying

If only we could. I mean, I like the sentiments of this song, and songs like it, such as "If Today Was Your Last Day," but it's only good in practice. If I were to live like I was dying, then I wouldn't work out as often as I do (and that's not very often at all as of late), I wouldn't go to a majority of my classes, and I'd just sit around perusing my interests. I'd end up failing out of school and massively in debt with no way of paying it off.

So then I'd have to return home. And believe me, if I went home and told my parents I failed out of school because I was living like I was dying, then I'd be kicked out of the house or forced to get a job and pay for everything, including rent. And with no college degree, where would I end up? Taco Bell. So I wouldn't ever be able to escape it.

I wish I could live like I was dying. I'd travel everywhere with Dave, learn what I wanted from the internet, maybe enroll in classes that piqued my interest, and not keep in contact with people I don't want to. Maybe take on a job if life got boring. I know, I'm taking this too literally.

I know the sentiments behind songs like these is to not sweat the small stuff, and do something that you truly enjoy as often as you can, within reason. If you have the funds to do what you love on a daily basis, then that's how you're living like you're dying. If you're like me and don't, then you take what you can when the opportunity presents itself.

Don't be scared to take risks on things you want. Even if there's a chance you'll get hurt. Especially if there's a chance you'll get hurt (emotionally, that is).

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