Thursday, September 16, 2010

Strangers Like Me

Things are finally slowing down a bit over here, so I might be back on a weekly schedule to update this! In case you were wondering, the rock wall is still fun to work at, though we've had a lot less traffic. I do admit it is a bit nice to not feel so rushed and swamped, but it's a bit quiet in there sometimes.

I realized something this weekend, after both working at the wall all weekend and catching up with Dave. The only males I'm close to and comfortable talking to for prolonged periods of time are those I've dated. I've got plenty of male friends, but I don't confide in them. If I tell them something, then about five other friends know what I'm thinking about as well.

I'm not really sure why I do that, especially since two of the three dumped me, and those were painful break ups. I guess maybe since we shared something that I don't share with everyone makes me more willing to open up to them. Or maybe I just really like the familiar. Even that doesn't make sense, though. I've known some of my other male friends for just as long, if not longer than some of my exes, and I have no desire to confide in them.

It could be because the last guy I was close to, I ended up dating for over a year (Zack). We were friends for a good year before we started dating, and most of my male friends now have a girlfriend. It could be just because I've never really had a lot of male friends.

Or I just might not trust someone from the opposite sex unless I can trust them enough to date them. I think this one makes the most sense, especially considering my summer discussions with another guy. I had never dated him, but it felt like we both wanted to and were separated by four hours. I started to confide in him a bit, and in turn he did with me. Somewhere down the line he just wanted me for sex, but that doesn't really matter. The point is that if I can see myself kissing them and maybe dating them, then I trust them.

Which is weird, because the only time I've gotten hurt by a male is if I were dating him. I can't date my female friends, so I just trust them after they've proven they can be trustworthy. But as a guy, they have to take that extra step to gain more than basic trust. And I'm not even sure what that extra step is supposed to be.

Maybe I should work on that.

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