Thursday, July 15, 2010

Be Safe (75/90)

The closer I get to the end of my 90 the more often it seems I have to make up entries.

I'm writing this from the sky. Hand-writing this. It's been awhile since I've had to write anything by hand, and you can tell. My writing is worse than usual. I'm writing from a plane because our flight left at 8 this morning, and I went swing dancing last night. And the reason it's being done about two hours before next post is because I've been without Internet access all day.

There are times when I don't enjoy flying. today is one of them. Mainly because I couldn't fall asleep last night and have a full day ahead of me. I also hate the way my ears pop, and not having space to stretch out. In fact, about the only good thing in flying is getting there sooner.

We took a taxi to get us to the airport. $50. Plus place tickets for who knows how much. I think in the end the cost of gas would equal it out. And then I could sleep and we wouldn't have to worry about leaving on time or going through security. All we'd have to deal with would be a 12 hour ride. Not too bad. Then again, I've never driven for longer than an hour at a time.

The thing that bugs me most, though, is the amount of security. Yes, I know it's for my own safety and I am grateful for it. It would be an interesting way to go out, but I'd prefer to live a little longer. But taking off shoes, belts, and jewelry can be a bit of a hassle. So can taking out your laptop.

I would normally avoid all this if I could, but some things I need. Like shoes. Everyone needs those. And there is never a time when I don't need a belt, thanks to my body type. I don't wear jewelry often. And I'm not leaving my laptop at home, or putting it in my suitcase, even if I don't use it. So I deal with all of it.

At least this time I got smart about it. I untied my shoes quickly, got my belt off without being reminded, and took out my laptop charger. The last time we traveled they had to search my gab because they couldn't tell what it was.

We've been flying for what seems like at least an hour and above the clouds now. The seatbelt sign hasn't been turned off yet, we're hitting a bit of turbulence, and I'm sleepy. It's not a big traveling weekend; I'm sure we could've driven easily. I'd like to sleep, but it's too loud. And I have nothing to entertain me, because once we land we're going to the beach and I'd like to have a charged iPod when we get there.

Maybe I'll do my mom's sudoku.

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