Sunday, July 25, 2010

Relax, Take it Easy (84/90)

I was at a lakehouse all weekend. I tried to write, but didn't end up finding time.

That's another thing that I want to put on my bucket list: owning a lakehouse. Not just owning one, but also owning a boat to go out on the lake with, and possibly a jet ski to go riding around on when I felt like it. I want to have an escape for a few days when I need it desperately. Anna's lakehouse has one TV and no phone. When you go up there, you're either on the lake, eating, or around the campfire, surrounded by people.

This weekend was exactly what I needed. I needed the escape from life's trivialities to get my head back on straight and let loose some of the restless energy I've had all summer from a lack of a job and, consequently, money. I needed to be with people who I trusted not only to keep what I told them to themselves, but also not to judge me for whatever I had on my mind.

It was the Disney Group I went with. We've done this every summer since we've met, meaning that this year we were in the same levels of schooling as when we first met. It's almost weird for us to think about being friends for four years, and going to this every year for a weekend to relax.

Not only that, but the fact that one weekend away can do so much to relax a person. Away from all the stressors of everyday life. Away from the family that expects everything from you. Away from technology that always keeps you connected to the outside world. Away from the addiction we have to know everything about everyone's every move. Away from anything required of you. Away for not even 72 hours.

And while I am sore, I am also relaxed and have had a chance to get a firmer grip on life. I've had some insights, not only through thinking of them while watching everyone go tubing, but also through the discussions we had. We didn't have a chance to have very long fireside chats, because the storms that were threatening daily moved in at night, getting everything wet. We managed one night before we had to go in, and not everyone was around for it.

Just taking a step back from things and going away on your own might be one of the best ways to gain perspective on your life. But that return to reality is one that's not the most enjoyable. After going at your own pace and doing whatever you felt, having to come back to a routine and follow the rules of society is my least favorite part.

Even though I'm sore from all that we did, I wish we could have stayed for longer. I enjoy my trips away from reality far too much.

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