Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Anytime You Need a Friend (81/90)

Darn, I got home 12 minutes later than I wanted for this post.

The reason for my tardiness is because I was at Anna's house, jumping on her trampoline and sitting around a fire. It was the usual suspects: Anna, Krista, Chelsea, Brendan, Brandon, and myself. We've been dubbed "The Disney Group," and make a point to try and get together every time we're home. Usually there's Smash Bros. involved. Over the summers there's a lake house trip. We've been doing this for four years now.

The reason we're "The Disney Group" is because we all got to know each other in Disney. During my junior year, the top three jazz bands at Neuqua got to go to Walt Disney World to participate in a jazz clinic. They invite bands from around the country to come in, play with professionals, perform in a restaurant, and tour the grounds. Neuqua has made this a tradition to go every two years, I believe, and I was lucky enough to try out for jazz that year.

I had already known Brendan through mutual friends of ours, and we were pretty close before this. I knew Krista from marching band, and Brandon from PJ. I was finally in a band where I felt appreciated. Not only was I in one of the top three bands, but I was also first tenor. Which meant that I got a lot of the solos written in my part, and I couldn't switch around. My band director was my favorite, and I was happy every jazz practice.

Chelsea was in my section, and Anna was on piano. When it came time for room sign ups, I found out there were only 7 girls going. Since I knew Krista and got along with her, I decided to room with her. Chelsea, being the only freshman at the time, didn't have anyone to room with and asked to join us. So we were the room of three girls. I didn't know the other girls very well; they were in different bands through school or from choir.

I was nervous to go to Disney, not only because I would have a solo, but also because there weren't too many people I'd know. But on the bus ride to the airport that President's Day weekend, Krista, Chelsea, Brendan, and I started talking a lot. I got to know them, and genuinely liked them. My nerves were leaving me.

I stuck around Krista, Chelsea, and Brendan. I had a crush on Nick, who was also on the trip and friends with Brendan. I met Anna through the girls Nick was friends with, and Anna slowly disengaged herself from that group and toured the parks with us. Brandon, being one of Brendan's best friends, also walked with us. I got to know them all a lot better and quicker than I would have in jazz practices.

That weekend is still one of my favorite weekends of my life, not just of high school. I met a great group of friends and got a break from the drama that was going on at home. I had an escape from the mess with PJ, and I didn't have to deal with Zack at the time. All I had to worry about was getting everywhere on time, and not screwing up my solo. And I met an amazing group of people.

We all have different personalities. Brandon never misses an opportunity to poke fun at anyone, especially Anna. Brendan might be one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. Chelsea, being the youngest, is the most naive, but brings a freshness to the group. Krista is calm, cool, and collected. Anna carries herself with poise and has a thirst to live. And there's me, the quiet observer who tries to throw her two cents in when she thinks it's relevant.

Even though we really don't talk during the school year, since we're all in different places in our lives and schools, I know that every summer nothing will have changed. Sure, we'll have new stories to tell each other, new events in our lives to catch up on, but in the end all we really want to do is sit around a fire, roast some marshmallows, and enjoy each others' company.

And then kill each other in Smash Bros.

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