Friday, July 9, 2010

Survivor Skills (70/90)

So I spent the rest of my day watching the Harry Potter marathon with my family. And yes, they yelled at me to stop reciting the lines.

Nothing from the movies really jumps out as something to expand upon, since most of the things I hit earlier when I was reading those books. Well, I guess one thing did. When we first get an inside look into The Burrow, there's a pair of what I think are knitting needles doing the knitting, and Harry is fascinated by it. There's also a pan washing itself in the sink.

But what got me thinking just now, as I was searching for things to write about tonight, is the knitting. I don't know how to knit, or crochet. I don't even know how to sew. I ask my mom to fix the holes in my clothes, and when I was at school this past year I asked Dave to do it, since he knows how to sew. But I've never learned how to sew, which gets a bit frustrating when there's a hole in my shirts and no one to fix it.

That's not the only "domestic" thing I've never learned how to do. I don't know how to cook without a recipe. Well, I can cook eggs without a recipe, but that's about it. I can cook following a recipe; I don't have an issue with that. But I probably can't cook meat. I'd probably over- or under-cook it, since I've never been taught to. I mean, I'm sure it wouldn't be too bad either way, but I'd rather not risk it.

When I was younger I was quite the tomboy, which is probably why I never learned how to do either of these. And my mom didn't have to work late, so she did the cooking while I played outside with my friends. But now, if I had to suddenly go and live completely on my own (not in a dorm), I'd be stuck. I'd probably have to get fast food frequently, because I'd quickly get sick of eggs, cereal, and pre-packaged meals.

I don't think I know how to change a tire, so god forbid I get a flat. I can't change the oil in a car. I'm not sure how to repair anything on my own. I'm sure if I looked it up online, then I'd be fine. But if I had a loose pipe, I'd have a very nasty house until I figured out how to tighten it. I don't think I've ever actually used a hammer for the purpose it was designed for. I've never had to chop firewood, which I'd like to know how to do since I'd like a fireplace when I get older.

The more I think about it, the more it seems like I don't know any basic life skills for when I leave the house. I think I should learn them soon.


  1. Dearest Dayna,
    I feel that we should have a no recipe cooking party for shits and giggles. It'll be mucho fun. Me and Lindsey made steak and rice and veggies and stuff for the parentals anniversary, and it was lots of fun :D
    (no recipes, just us running around and throwing things in bowls)
    I know Tori'll be up for it, and at the least... she can fix whatever we manage to accidentally fuck up xD

  2. Alrighty, I'm down with this. And I'll have money this year, so we can buy lots of random ingredients! :-)
