Sunday, June 6, 2010

Because (36/90)

I got my birthday post in, and had a good time last night. Cheers!

Last night we started off at Anna's house with a bit of pregaming. We sat around and chatted with her sister and her parents for a bit, and then were off. The thing is, we forgot that there was a game last night: Blackhawks vs. Flyers. And since we're so close to Chicago, naturally the bars were packed. There wasn't any dancing, just older people crowding the bar, yelling when goals were scored, groaning when the Flyers had any sort of luck.

We sat there until the game ended, and made our way to the bar she celebrated her 21st at. There were a few fans still waiting it out, but mostly it had been transformed into a fun bar again. Anna and I were, surprisingly, the most dressed up. So we went to the back and danced a bit. More shots. More dancing. Then we had to sit down a bit, because it finally started to catch up with us. And we wanted to dance with those of the male persuasion.

So we went to the front and started scoping out the place. There was a guy who had come in that was really cute, and Anna made me talk to him since it was my birthday. Turns out he was 35. So then we gave up on finding anyone around our age that wasn't with a girl. By this point we were definitely drunk, so we went back to her house.

When we got back to her house, something set us off, and then we stayed in her mudroom for at least ten minutes giggling and taking pictures. I'm pretty sure we scared her 12 year old sister. And it didn't stop there. We went to her room and talked to a few people. But since she had to wake up early, we went to bed early and still tipsy.

(Just an example of our good time)

It was a lot of fun. I don't need alcohol to have fun, but it sure as hell helped. I don't think I would've gone up to someone and asked them to dance if I hadn't had something in me, to be honest. I'm not one of those girls that does things like that. I was hoping to get asked, in fact. But we forgot the tiara that identified me as the birthday girl, so we settled.

It's not like I'm planning on taking a shot of "liquid courage" before doing something remotely scary, but it was nice not really being as nervous as I usually would be. I think I may integrate that into my life a bit more often. Ask for what you want, speak your mind, what's the worst that can happen? A refusal? Then it wasn't meant to be.

I actually did slightly do this earlier today. And honestly I've been freaking out all day about one thing or another, so admitting a small part of it to the source wasn't settling by any means, or relieving. It just felt like something I had to do if I wanted to be able to live with myself after anything happened. I mean, maybe something will change because of it. Probably not on his end, but perhaps on mine?

I like taking charge of my destiny. I've never really done that before.

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