Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hero (42/90)

My dad came home for the weekend today, so we've just been hanging around the house all day.

We did go and see Iron Man 2 today, though. And I liked it. It had action, it had a plot, and it moved. And while I was watching it I got to thinking. Tony Stark's not someone who was blessed with amazing powers; he made his way into the "superhero" world by building his suit. He didn't use much more than his brain to get him to where he was today (I apologize if I'm getting some of this wrong, my memory's a bit fuzzy with his storyline). Personally, I think those who create their own powers, like Iron Man and Batman, are more interesting than those who have been bestowed these powers.

Mainly because there's usually a really interesting back story that causes them to become a superhero, and for the others, it's either genetics or some accident. Accidents aren't really that interesting and engaging. You can talk about them maybe once, and then you basically have the full story. But other triggers have a much more expansive back story that can be interpreted in different ways.

I don't think I'd want to be a hero, though, through an accident or otherwise. Sure, maybe it's because I haven't been tortured or seen my parents killed in front of me, but I just don't think I could do it. I don't have the means, for one. Another is that I'd be scared of letting everyone down. It's only in fairy tales that the "good guys" always win, and knowing my luck, I'd end up losing a lot. And always being on call in case something happened that threatened the city/country I was defending.

As much as I don't want to be a superhero, I also wouldn't want to be a civilian in these cities. Seriously. There's always some evil villain intent on taking over and destroying as much of the city as s/he can. There wouldn't be much peace, because they're always out for revenge. Things get blown up, people get kidnapped, and elaborate plots of demise are always in the works. It can't be healthy to constantly be living in fear that some villain was going to come and kill you.

But I think I'd rather put my trust in the combined forces of the police and a superhero, unless the police unit is like Gotham's in "The Dark Knight." At least that way if the police couldn't do anything, there could be some back up that may be able to help. And I will admit, it would be pretty cool to watch the superhero take out the villain, so long as I wasn't in any immediate danger. And if Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne are anything to go off of, they do throw some pretty amazing parties.

I love the idea of a superhero. I just don't think I'd be able to survive in their world.

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