Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What a Wonderful World (60/90)

I walked around today. It was rather nice outside.

I've had a request to write about where I want to travel and why, so I'll go on and ramble about that for a bit. I've always wanted to travel to a lot of different places. I've never been west of the Mississippi River, or out of the country. I got a passport over winter break because I was going to England, but that plan got spoiled.

I want to go to England, but you know that if you've read my bucket list post. I've always wanted to go: Everything about it fascinates me and has since first grade. And Great Britain in general; I'd love to explore everything. I'd go and see all the famous landmarks, of course. I haven't gotten around to planning out every detail of where I'd like to go yet, but I think it may become a summer project.

If I'm going to travel to a Spanish-speaking country, I'd love for it to be Spain. I like Castillian Spanish better than regular Spanish for some reason. I know a lot of people would prefer to speak straight Spanish, the kind that's primarily taught in schools. But Castillian has a certain beauty to it that I like. And I would like to travel to a Spanish-speaking country to try out my Spanish, and to learn more. Oh, and paella is delicious. I had it at an authentic Spanish restaurant in Naperville.

Another place on the mainland of Europe I'd like to go is Italy. It's close to Spanish, which is cool, and I hear that Italians are quite attractive. And, of course, all the art would be amazing to look at. I just really like learning about different cultures and trying new things. It'd be fun.

France could be fun too. I mean, that's somewhere that I'd like to go just because it's on everyone's list of places to visit. It's supposedly the city of love. I love baguettes. They are supposed to have amazing chefs. I like food a lot, can't you tell?

Wow, that didnt' take up nearly as much space or time as I thought it would. Those are the places I'd like to stop if I ever toured Europe. I'd start and end in Great Britain, and spend the most time there. Then I think I'd go to Paris, stay there for a week or two, then move on to Italy, stay there for about a week, then go on to Spain for a few weeks. I think I'd have to have a suitcase or two devoted entirely to souvenirs. And I'd have a lot of pictures.

I'd really like to tour Europe. That's first on my list of places to travel once I get the money.

And I apologize if this is rather disjointed and incoherent, I was distracted the whole time.

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