Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Little Less Conversation (46/90)

I took pictures of things today. That was my impulsive thing of the day.

I don't know what I feel like writing about tonight. I just had a lot of fun with some friends, and nothing really serious was discussed. Nothing of consequence was discussed, really; usually we don't have conversations like that. And I've spent all day being angry, and that's where most of my thoughts have been all day.

So tonight, I think I'm going to write about not having anything to write about. It's frustrating. I keep getting to about this point, lose steam, and stare around my room for five minutes, hoping that something new will crop up. So far, it hasn't worked. I'm even running out of things to say about this lack of writing.

I just can't really get into the mindset to think tonight. I've just spent the past three hours talking, and I want to do more of that now. I don't want to think. I don't want to type out my carefully thought out responses. I want my true, spontaneous thoughts, and get initial thoughts in return.

The internet and texting make it so much easier to erase all of this. From behind the cover of a screen, you can be whoever you want to be, and say things you wouldn't in person. I know I'm guilty of that, and did such a thing last night. But I miss the times when you would pick up the phone if you wanted to talk to someone. Sure, if I wanted to be on the phone right now I'd have to relocate, but actually vocalizing my thoughts sometimes lets me find out more about me than thinking.

Not to say that I think these things are horrible. I love them; I wouldn't keep in touch with a good chunk of my friend base if I didn't have them. I just wish that we didn't rely on them as much, because right now I really want to just talk to someone. Have an actual conversation, because I'm one of those people who is still trying to master the art of conversation. How can I do that if my conversations are carefully planned?

Though sometimes it is better that I have to type out my thoughts. It has saved me a few times.

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