Monday, June 28, 2010

Give it Up (58/90)

Went to a friend's and watched a movie. Slow movie, good story.

The movie was about one woman's journey to get her life back together for her son. It's called Clean. It didn't really make me think. I mean, it was good, but since I've no intentions of doing drugs, I didn't really have anything big come over me. And I'm not a musician, and I don't have a kid I'm trying to be able to be with again.

As I was thinking about something to write about, something did come to me. Is there or has there ever been someone that I would give up something that is such a big part of my life for? I mean, I'm not addicted to anything really, so I don't have anything I rely on to get me through the day.

I guess what I'd have to give up would be writing or reading, especially Harry Potter. Writing actually did get me through some of the toughest times I've had to face. It still does, as I'm sure you've noticed. And it's what I want to do with my life. It's what I'm best at, and I still enjoy doing it. You could say that I'm addicted to writing. There are some days when I just feel like writing, even if I've got nothing in my head.

And I'm sure you've gotten a bit of my obsession with Harry Potter. The series is still my favorite, I still find new things in each reading, and they will probably always be on my bookshelf. So I'm not sure if I could give up Harry or writing for someone I love.

I guess it depends on who it would be. I'm not sure if there's anyone I can depend on to get me through everything as much as I can depend on writing. Harry Potter, yes. I could give up Harry for quite a few of my friends: Margaret, Anna, Tif, Tori, Lauren. It's slightly disconcerting though, to figure out that you'd rather keep Harry Potter in your life then some of the people you used to be really close to.

I wonder if I would've given Harry Potter up for anyone that I was dating. At this point in time I'm not sure if my love for them would surpass my love for Harry Potter, if only because everything has changed between us. There are some that I may not even love anymore, so why give up something I love in order to continue to talk to them? Especially when I would be perfectly fine not to talk to them again.

Honestly, if it were a matter of life or death, I'd put Harry aside. I couldn't be that selfish. I'd just have someone read the books to me or something to that effect. So yes, I could give up Harry Potter for someone. For a few someones. But I'm not sure about writing. Once again, to save a life, yes I would.

But to continue to talk to someone? I'm not sure if I'd have it in me. I think I might be selfish there and keep my writing, lose a friend. Writing has been the only constant in my life; it's been with me since elementary school. I once won a writing contest for a short story that was later performed to the amusement of the school (I was in it, since I wrote it). The only people in my life who have been around for that long is my mother, father, and brother.

And anyway, I figure that I could always write to them and explain everything. I'm sure they'd understand. Imagine giving up your passion and knowing that the thing that gave you the greatest joy would never be available to you again. And you know not what lies ahead. Your passion may have been what helped you through life. I'm not even sure if I could give it up for the love of my life and be at ease with my decision.

Could you give up your passion to be with someone?

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