Monday, June 28, 2010

Perfect World (59/90)

I did nothing besides for wait for the new Harry Potter trailer to be released.

I seem to keep running into not having much to blog about. And honestly, it's about two months into this challenge, and I guess it makes sense. Maybe I'll start asking around to see if there's anything people have been wondering about that I could have thoughts on. I want to have a lot of different topics on here, because I have a lot of interests. But my default is Harry Potter, and I think I need to rein my obsession a bit.

We're supposed to be going to the beach in a few weeks, so you know what that means: I need to start getting in shape again. I admit, I had a week-long stint where I really didn't do too much, and I really didn't care about it. I guess it was because at that point I didn't really have an outside factor to motivate me. I mean, yes, I always want to be thinner. But I've come to find out that in this area, me wanting to change just so that I can be at my ideal weight doesn't really help me keep to working out and eating well.

I admit, I didn't think we'd be going to Maryland this summer. I mean, plans already fell through twice for trips this summer, so why would this be any different? But I hear we've booked our flight, and we're looking at a hotel seriously now. And these past few weeks I wasn't sure if I had someone to impress come August. Quite honestly, I thought that there was very little chance that I would. But I got a surprise last night, and turns out I still do.

While I may not feel as good about myself as I know I could and should, it seems like I'm not alone with trying to obtain the "summer beach bod." I keep seeing work out articles in the "Today" of my MSN highlights. And if there isn't a work out, then a new diet plan, or things you shouldn't eat, or ways to mask your imperfections are featured. That's because everyone views you negatively if you don't look a certain way or are seen as overweight, or are completely lazy.

I will admit, there are a few people who I really wouldn't like to see in a swimsuit, but on the whole these articles are targeted at people like myself. People tell me I don't need to lose any weight, I'm good the way I am, etc. I even know that I'm healthy at this weight. But, as I'm sure I've written about a few times already, we need to go that extra mile to feel good about ourselves.

It's because we're constantly bombarded with (retouched) pictures that tell us what the ideal woman looks like. We've all seen them before, and since they are so prevalent, it sends the message that we need to look like that. The pictures and the articles are marketed toward those of us who have low self-esteem and feel like we need to fit into the mold to be seen as beautiful. And so we devour the articles and fatigue ourselves, trying desperately to lose those last ten pounds.

We don't do it because of our health. We do it because we've been told we need to look like this, even if we look around and see more women looking like us. Or we are never looked at because our friends are thinner than us and no one notices us. And then that number gets stuck in our heads, because we believe that everything will fall into place once we lose the weight.

We feel the need to impress everyone around us with our bodies, and feel like we can't if it's not perfect. Even though there are many more imperfect bodies out there, we work towards what we think is the ideal. And even though I know this, I'm still doing it. It's frustrating, but I won't stop working toward the ideal.

This is something I'm passionate about, so if this seems oddly familiar, I apologize.

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