Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dreams for Plans (18/90)

This routine is getting slightly old very quickly. BUT today was the new episode of Glee!

Tonight's episode of Glee was about dreams. It was realistic with the whole follow your dreams schpeel, but also had the message that dreams may not pan out the way you want them to. And trust me, I've had lots of experience with failed dreams. That's kind of the message behind my penname, alter ego, what have you.

I like to dream a lot. I daydream whenever I have the chance. I daydream in class, in my room, before I sleep, anywhere. And I love dreaming, because I have crazy weird dreams instead of nightmares. I can't remember the last time I had a disturbing dream. I even have deja vu in my dreams, so I like to pretend that I can see into the future because of this. I place a lot of stock in dreams.

But I also have dreams of things I want to achieve in my lifetime. A bucket list, shall we say. But I haven't ever gotten around to writing it down. It's on my to do list for my summer. I know I'll probably come up with 50 plus things to do when I actually sit down and think about what I want to do with my life. But I'll write down a few of the things I want to do that I've always wanted to do, and expand a little bit on them.

1. Go to England.
I had the chance to go on a Shakespeare trip this summer, and jumped at it in the beginning. I was so excited to go, since this is something I've always wanted to do. I've loved England since I first learned about it in first grade, even before I had heard of a boy called Harry Potter. But it just wasn't in the cards for me. The people who were setting the trip up kept running into problems and it got so disorganized I bailed. And the money that was going to the trip ended up going to hospital bills, so there was no way I'd be able to pay for it on my own.

2. Write for Newsweek or Time.
Now, usually this has been limited to just Newsweek. But lately I've been thinking about both of them. I read Newsweek much more frequently than I do Time, but I think being at either of them would be an amazing experience.
2.5 Write for Cosmo.
It's one of my guilty pleasures. The articles are interesting and amusing, and when I have the chance I'll pick up a copy of the latest issue.

3. Model.
America's Next Top Model is also a guilty pleasure of mine. I love dressing up, when everyone else is. I like posing and having my picture taken. I'm a very emotional person, so I think it'd be something I could do. I love fashion, and being able to try and express a designer's vision would be fun. And my mom did small-scale modeling when she was younger, so I think I could do something like that.

4. See something I've choreographed performed/perform my own choreography.
As written about before, I love dancing. So being able to see these silly thoughts that flit through my mind come to life by a professional would be awesome. So would performing it, once I got the green light that it was something good and interesting. Sure, I'd be nervous as hell up on stage, but I think the feedback would be something I'd love.

5. Have a random hook-up.
Yeah, I know. Something a lot of people either don't care about, or have already done. But I haven't. I've always gone the safe, relationship route. I just want to meet a cute guy, have a good connection, and make out with him, no strings attached. Now, I wouldn't be staying the night at this guy's house/room/apartment, of course.

So somehow those became my top 5. They all came instantly, so I guess they're things I really want to do. Besides for the last one. I had to think a bit for it. And it's probably a short-term goal. If I don't accomplish it I don't think I'll be too crushed. It's a bit of a fantasy that sounds good at this point in time in my life, because it's something I've never considered doing.

Maybe when I finish my bucket list I'll put it up here. Be on the look out for it!

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