Monday, May 10, 2010

Mama Who Bore Me (9/90)

Not feeling too philosophical or deep-thinking today.

Today was Mother's Day. We've been hearing about it for about two weeks now, and every store that sells something a mother may possibly want has jumped on the bandwagon. Lots of sales were announced, special commercials were made, and I noticed a lot more jewelry commercials. It's a day that we're supposed to celebrate our moms and everything they've done for us.

Today was another ordinary day in the Colbert household. Since I didn't go to bed until around 2:30, I woke up at 10:30. I got downstairs to see the rest of my family around the TV, watching Jordan playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. My mom was doing what she normally does on a Sunday morning: going through the ads. My dad was reading the newspaper, which is slightly out of the ordinary. So me, being the social butterfly that I am, got on Facebook. Of course no one was online. Most of the people I talk to are an hour ahead, and already started celebrating their mothers. No one at home would be awake just yet.

While I was the last one to wake up, there was no talk about possibly getting breakfast for the family. Or doing something that we all could enjoy together. Or even doing something my mom wanted to do. We watched Jordan run through the forest and have horrible aim trying to make it through the levels. At about 12:30 my mom had enough of it, and went for her shower. Then she had to go buy clothes for her business casual meeting she's going to for the week. I went with her, since it had to do with shopping. And I had to get Margaret's birthday present on the off chance that she was available to hang out tomorrow before I had time to get it.

Then we got back home. Instead of Jordan playing video games, my dad was watching TV. So what did I do? Got back online. Still no one. Eventually we went to dinner. It was a quiet affair at one of my favorite restaurants. Also my only employer. But my mom said she wanted sushi. I think it may be because I've been bugging them to get sushi since I got back. I haven't had any since January, and I used to get it at least once a month when I worked there (yay employee discount).

No one really made an effort to talk besides for my mom and I. We got back and gave her our cards and presents. I think she really appreciated the cards. I know I got the right one. I don't even remember what it said. I know it was something she needed to hear. It took me almost 21 years to realize how amazing my mom is, and how hard her life has been. I know I haven't made it easier on her. I went through a bit of a rebellion in high school. I've been spoiled by them, and as such demand things or whine until I get them.

But this past semester I saw my family receive a shock, and I saw how she dealt with it. I wasn't there to help them. I couldn't really be there to help them directly, otherwise college wouldn't have happened. But I went to find out ways to help them from Muncie. And I know my mom appreciated the thought, even if the results didn't do anything. I hope she knows how much I appreciate what she's done for me.

That's the gist of the card I got for her. I don't know what Jordan's card said, but it looked like one of those corny ones. I'm not sure how much of it he actually feels, or if it was just one of the few "from your son" cards. But I do appreciate her. I know I've given her a hard time. I know we've gone through rough times. And I know she'll be there for me when I need her.

I'm just sorry it took me this long to realize it. And that her special day wasn't anything different than the other days in the Colbert house.

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