Monday, May 24, 2010

Sing for the Moment (24/90)

No phone call from Red Robin today. More TV, more exercise.

But today, I'm alright with it. I woke up at seven this morning, and it was a beautiful sight in my room. The clear sunlight streaming in through my window, my room a bright, clean white color, me, warm under the covers. It was a brief appreciation of that moment in time, that I almost forgot about until now. I fell back asleep for a few more hours, and got out of bed at around ten.

And although all day I was waiting for a phone call from a potential employer, I didn't really care all too much that I had to be available for the phone call. I think somehow today I appreciated life far more than I have in a few months, and it wasn't something I had been planning on doing. I appreciated the fact that while doing my daily work out, I didn't tire as easily, and hardly had to rest. It's something I've been working on (as you, dear reader, probably already know), and while the scale told me something different, I didn't care this morning.

I appreciated my friends today. I decided to go through old Facebook messages, and remember why they were sent in the first place. I marveled at how young we all seemed, and it was hardly two years ago for the oldest messages. The drama of high school and how I haven't really found it when I hit college. The knowledge that if there is potential drama in my life, I have both sets of friends to go to. The knowledge that sometimes my friends need me for advice, or just someone to talk to, and truly care about what I have to say.

I appreciated my dog today. She was curled up on the couch in the front room, something we all know (her included) that she's not supposed to do. But she was absolutely adorable curled up in a ball there, so I just reminded her she's not supposed to be on the couch. I love that I can talk to her and she pretends to listen and understand what I'm saying. It always brings a smile to my face. Possibly because I know how ridiculous it sounds, but I know that other pet owners feel the same way.

And I appreciated music today. So much. I've been toying with the idea of choreographing a flash mob, and started working on the ideas I've had for it. It's working. I'm so excited! Not only that, but I listened to the Glee soundtrack today. I wish I had tickets to either of the shows, since they're in Chicago tomorrow and Wednesday. But it wasn't meant to be, so I settled with the soundtrack. And the beauty of an empty house is that I can belt out the lyrics and sing so horribly, with so much abandon and joy. And I did. I just stood there and sang. In the shower, in my room, in clothes, out of clothes.

And then I had to make breakfast, and I sang some more. And danced. All day I've had this energy in me to just dance. But by the time my food was ready, it was one and I had turned on Sex and the City (sorry Tif, I had to watch the last few episodes!) And that's when I started appreciating my friends. By the time I was done with the episodes, my brother had come home and I couldn't dance.

But he had an appointment to get to, so I had the house to myself. And this time, I just wanted to sing some more. So I did. I think I sang for about two hours today. And all day I've had this feeling of being at peace, and trying to enjoy life. Now, this isn't something that comes easily to me. Usually I have something that I'm always worrying about. But today was different.

Maybe it was that brief moment when I woke up, of seeing my room bathed in the beautiful sunlight. Maybe it was from a conversation last night of interesting proportions. Maybe it was the amount of movement I did today. Maybe it was being able to let loose and be me, and thinking that those who are worth my time should be able to embrace it. Or maybe because it was the first day of fully embracing the idea of being single.

Today, I was single and loving it. And right now I still want to sing and dance.

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