Saturday, May 29, 2010

Girls & Boys (29/90)

So today I watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. And then hung out with my family watching more TV, ending with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

But the thing that got me thinking today came from Power Rangers. Today, Billy (the nerdy Blue Ranger) and Kimberly (the pretty, preppy Pink Ranger) were doing an experiment. Billy wanted to be able to read peoples' minds with his device, and Squatt crossed the wires. The result was that Billy and Kimberly switched brains.

Now, it's rather funny when you're a kid to think about switching brains with someone. It could be amusing, I'd imagine. I mean, switching brains with someone would be an interesting experience. But my first thought was about how long they were going to be in each others' bodies. Because if either had to go to the bathroom, it could prove to be an awkward experience.

But it gets better than that. They were each other for at least a day and a half. So at some point in time they had to encounter seeing the other naked. Of course it was never mentioned, because it's a kid's show, but it got me thinking. Whenever anyone switches minds with the opposite sex, they never really mention anything about how awkward it is to see them naked.

I personally would think that if I had no feelings for this person besides for friendship, or almost like siblings, then being them and seeing them naked would be uncomfortable for me. It could just be because I really don't like seeing naked people/being naked, but maybe not. Think about it. If you had to switch bodies with a friend of the opposite sex, how would you react?

I know that besides for the naked factor, I could have a lot of fun. I could find out exactly what people thought of me and my decisions, instead of hearing the toned down version that they say to my face. If I were a boy, I might actually figure out what goes on in their minds for once. I would sit in on "guy time" and depending on the guys, might give them insight into the female mind.

I know that when I ask my guy friends what they would do if they were a girl, they say they'd squish their boobs together. Somehow I don't think I'd be playing with my penis. I'd actually probably be looking for a solution to get back in my own body. I don't like guys' clothes, for the most part. But it would be a fun experiment.

I wouldn't be able to be a boy for more than a few days. I think I'd go crazy, since I do like being a girl. I like dressing up in heels and dancing. I like spinning and singing and giggling. I like being able to cuddle with my friends, male or female. And I like being able to possibly wander into the guys' section and get a shirt (like my Sonic shirt) and be able to wear it without looking out of place.

I wonder how it'd be to be a boy. But I don't want to find out any time soon.


  1. you know damn well that Billy (being the nerd that he was and never being able to get the girl) being in Kimberly's body was more than eager to get in to the bathroom and start doing jumping jacks in front of a mirror.

    I would find it funny if your mind were in a boy's body for a day or two. You could totally mess up that boy's life by dressing up and wearing heals (and cuddling with guys).

  2. Yeah, he probably was doing that. Especially since Kimberly was the hot one of the show haha

    And depending on the guy, I might embarrass him that way. I could also make him awesome in the eyes of women. :-D
