Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dressed to Kill (19/90)

Today I went dress shopping, and got an adorable black dress. And I took my friend out for her first legal drink, which is why this post is later than usual.

It's strange how clothes can make you feel and change your body image. There are few stores that I can actually go into and successfully find a complete outfit. An outfit, to me, is a top, bottom, and shoes. Mainly I have issues with the bottoms. I am what everyone says is the "ideal" body type: hourglass. And there's no pants out there that fit me. I have a rather prominent butt, and a small waist. But the pants that they make that will fit over my butt are huge in the waist, so I always have to wear a belt.

My parents have decided I should grow up and look into the women's department, as opposed to the junior's. According to them, more women are shaped my way. Didn't work. Apparently my body type is a very rare one that doesn't get to be dressed. And it's not only with pants, but with dresses too.

Dresses usually fit me well in one area, never all over. And since I try to walk in them, I opt for the bottom to fit better. This becomes an issue when the top has a certain design that's supposed to lay on a certain body part. Usually this doesn't happen, so things look different on top. I'll probably take a picture tomorrow to further illustrate my point, but I'm in my pajamas right now and don't feel like changing.

I always have fun shopping for tops, though. That's one area where, if I avoid the shirts I know won't fit right, I can always find something to wear that looks decent if not good on me. I have never gone shirt shopping and come out of it frustrated, unless I was looking for a specific shirt in a specific color.

And unfortunately, I have an issue with shoes. I wear an in-between size on the higher end of the sizes, so it's hardly ever made or sold. 10.5. I blame my mom for my big feet, and I usually end up going a size higher than what I normally wear. So all the shoes that are in my room right now (and trust me, there's at least 10 pairs) look almost like clown shoes. They don't look big on me, but just laying around they look huge. And while shoe shopping is nowhere near as frustrating as pants shopping, it does get annoying when I see cute shoes that are a half a size too small, and can't order them in my size.

But today I'm not bitter about any of that. Probably because I went dress shopping, and the dresses I picked looked fairly decent on me. I didn't even think of trying on bottoms, and tried to find new shoes. I found my size, but they didn't go with my dress. And it was a new experience. Usually I shop with someone who's about the same size as me, and today I went with Anna. She's half my size (literally, her dress size is half of what mine is). So trying on the same dresses was fun.

And today was the first time in a few days when I actually wanted to talk to someone. She's the only friend I have who isn't a few months younger than me; she's actually older than me. I don't know if that makes a difference, besides for my birthday in about two weeks, but maybe it does. We've always been able to talk about things that I haven't really talked about with other friends, so it was nice to be able to talk to her so openly about what was really going on in my life.

And shopping always perks me up. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. I like shopping even if I don't have any money with me, or do it online. It's something to do with my time, and makes me feel good about myself when I look good in something I've tried on, even if I have no intention of buying it.

It's funny how shopping can turn a mood around so quickly. I guess we all just want to look good.

*Happy 21st birthday, Anna!*

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