Friday, May 14, 2010

Thank You for the Music (13.90)

Summer blogging is hard, because I hardly do anything. Like today, I watched TV again. All day. And wrote a letter. But the letter was a stupid thing to write, and even stupider to send. So we're not going to discuss that.

But what I did watch today was, you guessed it, more concerts. I love Palladia. So many concerts of people I actually like and would want to go see, all in HD. But today's musical interest was on Fuse, and it was an interview with Lady Gaga. I like Lady Gaga. She's fun to listen to, and her music makes me want to dance. I love her music videos. They're always so intricate and always tell a story. And her fashion sense is amazing. Not something I could pull off, but I admire her.

No, this isn't another role model post (though she may be #2). This is about her interview. The interviewer was asking her questions that I could tell she didn't want to be asked, or answer. But she's a polite young woman, and answered them. And I found out some more interesting things about her that either I never took the time to wonder about, or just never noticed.

Like how much thought she puts into her lyrics. "The Fame Monster," the re-release of "The Fame" plus eight new songs, is all about her overcoming individual monsters she's had to face. "The Fame" was her actual fame monster, and "Bad Romance" is exactly the monster it sounds like it would be. She also faces the addiction monster in "So Happy I Could Die," and now I'm planning on dedicating a good hour to looking up her lyrics, listening to the songs more intently, and finally watching all her music videos.

From her responses to the interviewer and her dedication to her fans, I have seen that she is a force to be reckoned with. She's an intelligent young woman who I can't see stopping any time soon. And I'm glad. We need someone new and quirky to break up the monotony of the radio. There's too much hip-hop and bubble gum pop that sounds the same. Since I've been home I've already heard all the new songs that have been on rotation at least 5 times a day. And I'm pretty sure I've heard all the new releases since December in less than a week.

The music's getting to sound too much the same. People like Lady Gaga and Pink are getting their names out there, and getting radio time. I think Lady Gaga has seven singles out that are still being constantly played on the radio, after releasing her first on April 8, 2008. She's been around for two years and has two albums out. She's finishing up her tour right now, and I'm sure she's already got songs written for her third.

I can't wait for that third album. Mainly because I'm sick of hearing the same songs on the radio.

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