Friday, May 21, 2010

Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade (21/90)

I went job searching today, and may have a job at Red Robin! And then, you guessed it, watched more TV.

All day I've had this urge to take pictures. I've always had an interest in photography, I've just never had a chance to fully explore it. I've had point and shoot cameras, and those were good enough for the purposes I used the camera for, and for my age. But now I want something nicer to fool around with when I'm bored, and I'm an adult. I've outgrown the point and shoots.

The only art classes I've taken in quite some time are the performing arts, namely music. I've never taken a photography class or had any direction from actual photographers. But I have to take a photojournalism class this semester, and I'm so excited for it. I have no clue how to properly use a film camera, and I'm hoping that since it's a five week class, they could provide us with cameras for use. Even so, I'm thinking of asking for a nicer camera again for my birthday.

At this point in time I'd rather make art than listen to it. I should ask for a new iPod, since mine needs to be reset at an annoying rate. But I want to explore this interest I've had for a few years now. I was supposed to get a new camera for Christmas, and I did. The thing was, it was basically the camera I have now but a different brand. So hopefully I can explore cameras and pick one that would be good for what I want to do.

I want to have a reason to own a camera, besides for the occasional memories I bring it along for. I want to be able to get the pictures I can see myself taking outside, of my family, of nature, of my friends, and of me. Sure, I have ways to edit the pictures I take now to approach the ideas I have, but I don't have all the tools.

Not only have I been thinking about being behind the camera, I've also had this urge all day to be in front of it. I've wanted to put on all the really cute clothes that usually don't make it out of my closet and get pictures of me in all of them. I've just felt really flirty and playful today, and since I'm single and healing, what better way to get that out then by modeling? I like to think I have a pretty decent sense of style, and I like to think I'm good at being flirty, so it seemed like a good idea.

The only thing is, there's no longer ideal space for me to take these pictures of myself. My room is missing the only white wall I have, thanks to the TV and dresser that are just taking up space in my already crowded room. And the living room finally has furniture in it, so there's only a small place that gives me a white wall. Not only that, but my tripod is such a small thing that it doesn't really do much. So my ambitions of the day couldn't get realized.

I think later this summer I'll ask some friends to help me with a photo shoot, if and when I get my better camera. It would be a lot of fun being the focus of the pictures, and just taking pictures with my friends. I have a lot of plans for this camera I'm hoping to get, and with the new additions I'm making to my wardrobe. I'm excited about the potential I could unlock within me.

If it works out, maybe I can cross modeling off my bucket list? Lofty dreams.


  1. Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28K??? :-D

    Yes, that is my camera. I got it used from for a really good price.

  2. Thanks. Apparently I can't get anything over about $175, so my hopes won't be realized :-(
